It is Saturday and what do you think about a Family Games Night?
Happy Weekend!
Our family loves so much sitting together and playing board games and card games and everything around that theme. Newest fun is playing poker – lol. Our boys – yes, also our little boy (sorry, the youngest boy; he don’t like it to be called little) love playing it and also Dart. Paul got a dart board from Santa last year and since then we invite friends and love playing dart tournaments.
So this is also the theme of my new kit for this week, all about sitting together with friends and family enjoying the fun and happiness of playing board games, card games and such.
Included a lot of fun elments like two word art, labels (blank and with text), frames, flowers, of course board games and things you need like cubes, chess pieces, a bridge game … it’s just filled with fun 🙂
Oh … and of course 6 main paper backgrounds and 6 extra background papers (see on the previews below) so a total of 12 papers.
Family Games Night is 50% off (yes!!! fifty percent off)
Ein schönes Wochenende euch allen.
Wir lieben es immer wieder zusammen zu sitzen und Spiele zu spielen – wir lieben Monopoly und mit dem unserem Nick spiele ich Mühle und Mau Mau liebt er. Darin ist er schon richtig gewieft und hat sich unsere Tricks abgeguckt. Seit kurzem ist auch Poker angesagt, unsere Jungs lieben das, auch der Kleinste (sorry; der Jüngste – er mag es nicht “der Kleinste” genannt zu werden). Und seit Weihnachten, da hat unser Paul eine Dartscheibe bekommen, lieben wir Dart und speilen Turniere.
Das ist auch das Thema meines neuesten Kits – Family Games Night. Alles dreht sich um den Spass beim spielen mit Freunden oder der Familie, das Zusammensitzen und schwatzen.
Drin sind viele tolle Elements, z.B. auch 2 Wordarts, 2 Labels (leer und mit Text), Rahmen und Blumen, undnatürlich alles was zum Spielen benötigt wird, Schachfiguren, Würfel, ein Bridge Spiele und noch viel mehr.
Und natürlich 6 Hintergründe sowie 6 Extra Papiere – könnt ihr unten auf den Vorschauen gut sehen.
Family Games Night – 50% off nur für kurze Zeit!
Here are the previews where you can see all Papers included:
Scrapbooking Inspiration Layouts
Of course my CT girls were busy again and they loved the kit and playing with it.

This Layout is created by Tracey and that photo she used is so full of fun, the same with the layering she did. She said: lovely kit. I enjoyed the colours.

That’s such a wonderful layout Jeannette created. I always love her effects, makes her pages really different. The pictures is perfect, the same with the title – gorgeous layout! Oh and hear, what Jeannette said: Wow Manu, what a fabulous and fun kit this is!

Janet always created a wonderful scene although she used a frames picture but love the 3d effect she added.

Cath also loved playing with thekit and made this wonderful layout with it. I just love that fun picture – gorgeous layout!

Another gorgeous layout by Tracey. This is fun to look at, love the clustering at the bottom, the use of the labels and word art and of course this awesome photo.

Of course I had to play with that kit too and this is my Layout. It was a lot of fun to play with the kit I can tell you 🙂
Family Games Night is available here!
A Step Back In Time – Stamps
I also made this new set of Stamps coordinating with last weeks Kit A Step Back In Time, it’s an awesome addition to your layouts.
Beautifully embellished stamps with butterflies, drangonfly, bird and
grunge, dirty, antique texts, flourishes ….
Included separately saved .png files and an .abr file for photoshop!
Sample Layout:
I created this page using the stamps in combination with the A Step Back In Time Page Kit.
It is a lot of fun and I can tell you I enjoyed it so much playing with the stamps, trying different colours, different sizes, different stamps – at the end it was difficult to decide which one to use but so much fun.
A Step Back In Time – Stamps are available here
Blog Freebie
I turned one of my layouts I did the last week into a Quick Page which you can now download here below. I hope you like it and I hope you’ll enjoy using it.
Have a super fanatastic weekend everyone!
This is a beautiful kit, and a beautiful qp- thank you!
Really nice, Thank you!!
beautiful, thank you so much
TYVM, it’s beautiful.
Thank you!
Beautiful! Thanks so much! 🙂
Thank you so much. Beautiful QP.
Thank you for the lovely freebie. Games night-what a great theme!
Thanks again for such a beautiful freebie.
beautiful in style and colors! Thanks so much!
Oh my lord this one is soooo cool! On the wish list to buy