That’s a wonderful gift idea for Christmas for your loved ones or for yourself!
A special Thank you to Yuki for creating such an mazing book.
28 pages total, 12 months (January – December), 12 Quick Pages, Cover Pages ( Front & Back), First Page + Last Page
Included are:
psd files
tif files
png files
tif & psd files: Month Names + Dates are on separate layers
You can change the font and you can change the language.
already finished with the calendar on it
and as blank page with the calendar separated on a different file
European print format A4 (2480 x 3508 px)
8 x 11 (2400 x 3300 px)

Each text you see on the previews can be edited with the psd or tif files.
png files come as blank pages, so you can add your own text.
png pages additonally come with the text already added, so it is up
to you if you change it or not.
services like Shutterfly.

This book is on intro sale for a limted time only.
Save 41%
***You can also get this product FREE with each
order over $30.00 from Studio Manu ***
Offer ends October, 5 – 2014
Photos you see on the previews are not included in the downlod.
Photography credits to: Petr Kratochvil, Vera Kratochvil, Anna Langova, Ben Kerckx
You can let print this book in hard cover format, soft cover format or as spiral book.
Everything is possible.
***Get this product FREE with each order over $30.00 from Studio Manu ***
Offer ends October, 5 – 2014
Introductory Price – 41% off only a short time!
And don’t forget:
You can get it FREE with any purchase over $30.00 from Studio Manu
Offer ends October, 5 – 2014