Re-Release: Christmas Cheer + Last Day at PBP + Freebie

Honestly I have to admit I am just glad that the Christmas stress is over now.
I enjoyed having the family here, visiting my parents, met my brother.
The time after Christmas is for recovering and get new energy and strength for the new year.

I took a deep breath and played a bit with last year’s Christmas collection: Christmas Cheer.
I had almost forgotten what beauties are inside, in fact it felt like unwrapping a gift to myself.

Christmas cheer inspiration scrapbook layout

This is my grandfather and my great grandmother Ida at Christmas. I can’t say when this photo was taken but seeing how young my grandfather looks it could be around 1970.
I printed that one and moved it over in my planner and have it now always with me.

Christmas cheer inspiration scrapbook layout

Here are some more wonderful layouts from the girls:

Christmas cheer inspiration scrapbook layout

This one is from Petra and I love the harmony it has

Christmas cheer inspiration scrapbook layout

From Kay. Love the Christmas feeling her layout has, beautiful photo – just perfect

Christmas cheer inspiration scrapbook layout

From Chrissy. What a wonderful photo and stunning blend. Awesome page

I know I’ll back to that folder and make more pages with Christmas Cheer.
If you missed last year’s release of this collection now is your chance, it’s even back on intro sale.

Christmas Cheer
Save 49% on the collection

Christmas Cheer - A Digital Scrapbook Christmas Collection

And additionally Word Art Pack, that is not included in the bundle

Christmas Cheer - Digital scrapbook christmas sparkling word art

Christmas Cheer - Digital scrapbook christmas sparkling word art

L A S T   C H A N C E   T O D A Y

* * * 50% off storewide at PBP * * *

I am closing my Pickleberrypop  – Shop at the end of the year.
Everything is 50% off till Dec. 31 Dec. 30 – so shop till you drop!

(The site will go offline on tomorrow for a new design and comes back only Jan. 1st but without my store. So today is your last chance to take advantage on the 50% off closing sale)

Shop all Personal Use Items

Shop all Commercial Use Items

  • Blog Freebie

So this is the last Blog Freebie for this year. I promise to continue to provide freebies in 2019 too. I hope you enjoyed them and they helped you to keep up with your memory keeping and capturing.

A BIG Thank you to my CT girls for all the help, for designing and for sharing their art.

This last freebie comes from Petra. Stunning cluster with Christmas Cheer.

Please click the preview or the link below:

Digital Scrapbook Christmas Cluster Freebie

>>> Download 


New Year's resolution


Stay the way you are! You are perfect just the way you are!

May the New Year bring joy, peace & happiness to you …

H a p p y   N e w   Y e a r

15 thoughts on “Re-Release: Christmas Cheer + Last Day at PBP + Freebie

  1. Gala

    Великолепная коллекция! Чудесные странички! Большое спасибо за Петры за чудесный кластер!

  2. Margaret

    Thank you for the lovely cluster and squeezing one more beautiful freebie off to us all!
    You have been SO generous in this way in 2018.
    I hope you had a lovely and peaceful Christmas filled with love and fun.
    Sending best wishes for good health, happiness and wonderful surprises in the New Year, 2019!

  3. Karen

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year Manuela and Team.
    Just 9 hours to go before New Zealand is in 2019.
    Thanks for all the wonderful goodies you have all shared in 2018.
    5 4 3 2 1 …..

  4. Светлана

    Спасибо за чудесный подарок! Полета фантазии и творческих удач в Наступающем году!)))

  5. ChristineAK

    Thank you for all of the lovely goodies through the year. Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year x

  6. diginan

    Wishing you and yours a Very Happy New Year Manuela, thank you so much for all your wonderful gifts throughout the year. 🙂

  7. grambie/shirl

    It is so nice to visit you again and to thank you for all the wonderful newsletter goodies that you have shared with us over the years. Of course your collections are always superbly designed and extremely creative. I am still physically unable to scrap, but will still purchase your Christmas collection revival at Oscraps. I am praying that 2019 will be a change for me both physically and emotionally where I will be able to scrap at last. Blessings to you and yours during 2019 and on. Hugs, 🙂


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